Friday 1 April 2016

Mustika Besi Kuning

Mustika Besi Kuning

Mustika Besi Kuning cocoons shaped like a hard and heavy as iron cocoon, wrapped up like wood fibers brown or golden brown and the inside was a form of yellow needles.

Mustika Besi Kuning is naming its own meaning is not the same as the term yellow metal (brass) made of brass man-made forms can vary.

In its natural state in the Unseen, iron yellow gems have only 1 (own), there are a pair. When the original pair, should not be separated, not divided into 2.
Its existence in nature there are often hidden gems along with vermilion.

On average Mustika Besi Kuning. has supernatural powers 100 times the power of the Occult kuntilanak or 50 gondoruwo time.

Generally khodam iron yellow gems are of the same type, the type of khodam gems and there is also the same figure, like the human male shirtless burly, bald-headed, even-tempered and hard, so highlighting the strength and valor, his potential to become a fetish tank.

Suitable class quality of each iron yellow gems can be useful for:
- Class 1, the best, the immunity of the body, the strength of the shot (and hold at), and the authority.
- Class 2, the strength of the shot (and hold at) and integrity.
- Class 3, for the integrity and help businesses trade.

To determine where the first-class quality, which can be used for immunity, and distinguishes it from a class 2 or 3 difficult to see from the features of the physics. Should be tested immediately. But psychotherapy, given the level of violence character khodamnya each energy density and can be expected if the gems that can be used for immunity or not.

Mustika yellow iron quality class 1 is always ready at any time to be tested for immunity and anti razor. The drawback, khodam rampart and highlights the strength and courage, but supernatural power is not high enough, so it can be problematic if the storage or travel / pocket combined with other objects which khodam like agate or save stuffing, mustikanya could fade if the object occultation -benda other higher power.

A yellow gems contain iron khodam the nature of his character hard, so highlighting the strength and courage and a steady beam of energy, so that the original function of the immune, immune function can be tested by anyone, anytime and anywhere. But because the character khodamnya highlighting valor, then someday gems that can run into problems, namely khodamnya lost / her go or not to serve or become outdated if occultation storage or travel / pocket combined with other objects invisible (such as storage consolidation with stones agate berkhodam) or when it is in places more sacred supernatural ruler of khodam yellow iron.

Mustika yellow and iron objects can be invisible to other immune khodamnya character and very hard to highlight the strength and valor, is like the animals that do not want to mix with other animals, which will repel other animals from nearby. Angel weaker will get away. But the gems that will be problematic when close to objects other supernatural powers supernatural higher. Chances khodam mustikanya it will "shrink" back in terror when they are attacked, and will fade occultation. So the depository should set apart, not together with the objects berkhodam other. If taken away also place set apart, for example placed in the right pocket, while the objects hidden in the pockets of the other left.

Mustika iron yellow pretty good for immunity, to help security everyday, unfortunately khodamnya Supernatural forces are not high enough, so it is easy to fade occultation. If storage is consolidated by objects other supernatural, such consolidated storage ring with agate berkhodam, gems can be yellow iron that can be used for immunity would fade immunity. Already there are some gems owners who have yellow iron alloys yellow gems fade immunity. So keeping the yellow metal must be separated from other objects that berkhodam. Similarly, the storage of other objects that can be used for immunity, the storage should be separated from other objects that has khodam.

Many gems, of any kind, when it sought to deliberately not normally be found, but sometimes there are people who are lucky, because it was accidental.
There are people who are lucky accidentally discovered a yellow gems iron hanging oak, hang a banana tree, there is also a tree in the series. Originally they count as normal cocoon. But once held, the cocoon hard, not soft. The cocoon was taken and brought back. Some even experienced miracles after getting the cocoon.
Mustika yellow iron found in a hanging position at the top, about 2 meters above the ground, usually immune to the charms, occultation better than those found in the soil or the position below, which usually can not be immune to their charms.

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