Saturday 2 April 2016

Mustika Tapak jalak

Mustika Tapak Jalak

The starling-shaped stone as a stone ringed girdle, but has 2 rings meet intersect. Colored stones can be anything. The best thing is the old stone and thick rings and raised its cross jutting out like a coat of wax.

Suitable levels of the quality of each stone is useful for body strength and shot at and hold (for kejadugan) and there is also to be immune.

The negative side of starlings stone is a stone of this type of aura that heat affects the wearer to be temperamental irritability, be respected and avoided people.

Air aura of starlings that are heat can affect the human being feels fresher / fit of body and mind, but can also affect humans become irritable, easily inflammable, easily provoked, facilitate the emergence of a fight.
Eve is also able to provide a warm atmosphere that negatively affects the luck, social relationships / interactions and peace in the family.
Eve is also a negative effect on health, good for the human beings themselves and others around them.

Although air aura of starlings that effect vibrant, fresh and fit, but can also lead to human wearer / bearer easy pains in heat, dehydration, etc., if the situation infirm or old, will make it easier to suffer ill or even cause damage internal organs.

The so-called stone of starlings is that there is a stone cross lines thick stand out like a coat of wax. But the commonly used and is considered the stone of starlings is all that rock is its cross a line drawing or a line of its cross stones clear transparent translucent light. In the human world many rock formations and the like are usually used ring, but not all have the same rapture rock starlings original site. In this case the stones, though also berkhodam, just ordinary stones are shaped to resemble a line of its cross miles of starlings, not a stone's natural disaster.

On this occasion I would like to straighten out people's views on the meaning of the starlings.

The site is called starlings, gems and precious stones, is a thick solid line crosses and no clear transparent. Even better if it crosses the line of thick stands out like a wax layer (its cross line-up). Which is inhabited by spirits khodamnya stone is its cross section, whereas the other stones in an empty unoccupied Supernatural.

So based on the above specifications, gems or precious stones there is a line drawing its cross or crosses the line is not exactly clear transparent type of disaster, just as the misunderstanding then all rocks have crossed the line as it is called a disaster. There are a lot of rocks with a twist image intersecting lines. Stones like that, though also berkhodam, and also lucky to force a fight, usually occultation is not exactly the same as the stone of starlings original line of its cross thick stand out.

Agate gems or a starling original khodamnya most tangible as man male muscular bare-chested and bald that is very violent and highlights the strength. Miracle could reach tens of time the power hidden gems damask.

Suitable character khodamnya hard rock / r of starlings useful for body strength and shot at and hold (for kejadugan) and there is also to be immune.

Yellow Iron Angel full of air force, but not to be affected by his temperamental, only to be affected (arrogant) confidently. But the violent character of starlings over khodam violent character khodam iron yellow, filled with air so violent aura of heat can cause the wearer to get sucked into a temperamental irritability.

Agate gems or starlings original site should be kept away from oil jafaron, because khodamnya would go if it was smeared or burnt oil fumes jafaron (including type khodamnya berenergy negative issue because the heat is not consistent with the normal human body energy) and storage must be separated from other objects that berkhodam.

Angel of starlings character is highlighting violence and valor. Storage should be separated from other objects that berkhodam.

Friday 1 April 2016

Mustika Besi Kuning

Mustika Besi Kuning

Mustika Besi Kuning cocoons shaped like a hard and heavy as iron cocoon, wrapped up like wood fibers brown or golden brown and the inside was a form of yellow needles.

Mustika Besi Kuning is naming its own meaning is not the same as the term yellow metal (brass) made of brass man-made forms can vary.

In its natural state in the Unseen, iron yellow gems have only 1 (own), there are a pair. When the original pair, should not be separated, not divided into 2.
Its existence in nature there are often hidden gems along with vermilion.

On average Mustika Besi Kuning. has supernatural powers 100 times the power of the Occult kuntilanak or 50 gondoruwo time.

Generally khodam iron yellow gems are of the same type, the type of khodam gems and there is also the same figure, like the human male shirtless burly, bald-headed, even-tempered and hard, so highlighting the strength and valor, his potential to become a fetish tank.

Suitable class quality of each iron yellow gems can be useful for:
- Class 1, the best, the immunity of the body, the strength of the shot (and hold at), and the authority.
- Class 2, the strength of the shot (and hold at) and integrity.
- Class 3, for the integrity and help businesses trade.

To determine where the first-class quality, which can be used for immunity, and distinguishes it from a class 2 or 3 difficult to see from the features of the physics. Should be tested immediately. But psychotherapy, given the level of violence character khodamnya each energy density and can be expected if the gems that can be used for immunity or not.

Mustika yellow iron quality class 1 is always ready at any time to be tested for immunity and anti razor. The drawback, khodam rampart and highlights the strength and courage, but supernatural power is not high enough, so it can be problematic if the storage or travel / pocket combined with other objects which khodam like agate or save stuffing, mustikanya could fade if the object occultation -benda other higher power.

A yellow gems contain iron khodam the nature of his character hard, so highlighting the strength and courage and a steady beam of energy, so that the original function of the immune, immune function can be tested by anyone, anytime and anywhere. But because the character khodamnya highlighting valor, then someday gems that can run into problems, namely khodamnya lost / her go or not to serve or become outdated if occultation storage or travel / pocket combined with other objects invisible (such as storage consolidation with stones agate berkhodam) or when it is in places more sacred supernatural ruler of khodam yellow iron.

Mustika yellow and iron objects can be invisible to other immune khodamnya character and very hard to highlight the strength and valor, is like the animals that do not want to mix with other animals, which will repel other animals from nearby. Angel weaker will get away. But the gems that will be problematic when close to objects other supernatural powers supernatural higher. Chances khodam mustikanya it will "shrink" back in terror when they are attacked, and will fade occultation. So the depository should set apart, not together with the objects berkhodam other. If taken away also place set apart, for example placed in the right pocket, while the objects hidden in the pockets of the other left.

Mustika iron yellow pretty good for immunity, to help security everyday, unfortunately khodamnya Supernatural forces are not high enough, so it is easy to fade occultation. If storage is consolidated by objects other supernatural, such consolidated storage ring with agate berkhodam, gems can be yellow iron that can be used for immunity would fade immunity. Already there are some gems owners who have yellow iron alloys yellow gems fade immunity. So keeping the yellow metal must be separated from other objects that berkhodam. Similarly, the storage of other objects that can be used for immunity, the storage should be separated from other objects that has khodam.

Many gems, of any kind, when it sought to deliberately not normally be found, but sometimes there are people who are lucky, because it was accidental.
There are people who are lucky accidentally discovered a yellow gems iron hanging oak, hang a banana tree, there is also a tree in the series. Originally they count as normal cocoon. But once held, the cocoon hard, not soft. The cocoon was taken and brought back. Some even experienced miracles after getting the cocoon.
Mustika yellow iron found in a hanging position at the top, about 2 meters above the ground, usually immune to the charms, occultation better than those found in the soil or the position below, which usually can not be immune to their charms.

Thursday 31 March 2016

Mustika Keong Buntat

Sampe of Mustika Keong Buntat

The shape resembles a snail fossil stone. The best thing is the old stone black dark.
Mustika snail buntet black dark lot to be immune to the charms and many have vanished like a dagger Rapture high overlap.

Unseen in mustika snail discard when it suited man with the owner or the carrier will align itself and help each business / activity performed by the owner. Especially when the person can ask  unseen khodam to help.

There are a reader who asked this question:
Actually snails discard the original shape was like what?
Home fossilized snail or rock that resembles a snail?

Thus the explanation:

In physics, gems snail discard it is a stone that resembles a snail home. But the rapture of that rock gems that make an occultation and that is what distinguishes it from other fossil stone.

According to the authors search, the initial formation of gems buntet snail is a snail for their dead as landslides buried or mud, or other events that are similar that way. Conch shell that limits his dead body, so it is not entirely direct rot and decompose with the soil. Conch shell was also restrict energy aura former life in it, so it does not fade quickly.

Then the shell is filled with soil, sand, silt, etc., replacing conch body decomposing. Aura former life energy in it invites figure comes spirits, usually the spirits, who feel comfortable to live in it. The situation pave snail occurs through a process hundreds of years. The existence of supernatural beings of energy in it accelerated aging rock.

Over time, their shells become increasingly brittle and may then burst out of sight, while the soil / sediment in the hardened shell and stone the shape of their shells. So not true is called snail buntet fossil stone, because it is the snail buntet stony ground following a conch shell, a body of non-fossil fossilized snail. But the term fossil is quite useful to explain the origin of the snail discard.

Key onset snail buntet become a gems is the aura of energy used in the life of a snail shell in the presence of a figure unseen invited to sit in it. And it could not happen at a snail off by itself on the ground and rot, or slug that hit the hot lava, until the meat is cooked and no longer life aura. Aura Energy is also a former life in the cemetery / graveyard humans, thus inviting unseen certain to stay in the vicinity.

After being a perfect gems, hidden khodam will take them into the supernatural. Usually people get a snail gems buntet through the process of withdrawal of the Unseen, but there are also people who accidentally found in human nature.

According to the quality of each, gems snail buntet nothing can force the body and punch, invisible shield, integrity, security and immunity.

Generally mustika snail buntet have supernatural powers higher than Mustika Merah Delima, can reach tens of time, depending on the contents of the Occult / khodam residing in it, but the power of a talisman tuahnya, whether to be used to save immunity, depending on the hardness of character khodam in it and supernatural perfection processing withdrawals.

The author has seen some of the forms and colors of the fossil snail discard. There is a small, there is also such a large snails or snail breeder. There are colors black, brown, white, there is also a yellow transparent translucent. All depends on the shape of conch shells and the type of soil that fills the conch shell. Each khodam in it has the character of a stone in line with physics.

1. Keong discard the white and yellow, mild-mannered figure unseen, radiates an aura
    mercy of luck and kesepuhan.
2. The brown character in the middle between the white and the black.
3. Keong discard the old stone jet black, hard and compact, it is the best,
    usually khodamnya rampart. Suitable for saving power / supernatural powers and authority, and
    much to be immune. Usually khodamnya intangibles such as human stocky man
    shirtless, bald, rampart highlights the strength and valor,
    potentially saving tank.
    Keong discard most of this khodamnya rampart and authoritative, up properties
    his character is similar to the nature of the characters overlap sheath, capable of reducing interference from unseen charms, heritage
    or of supernatural beings around their owners.

Most of the gems khodam buntet snail is kind of the jinn white, but there is also a khodamnya khodam type of gems. What kind of khodamnya khodam gems usually tuahnya better, feel more tuahnya efficacious than khodamnya types of jinn.

Keong buntet have a lot of luck and can be used for luck,  trade, compassion, healing and many kinds of supernatural rapture other as desired by the owner (lots of functions depending on the ability of the wearer suggestion), but that is a powerful immune should not be ordered to give another good luck so luck was not immune to fade.

There are other types of gems that naming is similar to discard snails, which are called Kul Buntet. Naming Kul Buntet intended for fossilized sea shells. Physics resembles a clamshell with a hemispherical shape (flat bottom) white smooth, shiny, mostly in the skin it is no line / circular pattern into another color. At the bottom there is also a line or circular curve inward. The inside of the fossil deposits of this type contains solid limestone or coral. Most of the content is hidden from the khodam gems, not the spirits.

In physics, the quality kul buntet best that physics is the dominant white and shiny stone age. Usually there khodamnya human male muscular shirtless, bald, rampart and are more likely to be saving immunity.

There is another called Stone gravestone, shaped like a fossilized freshwater mussels. Most of its functions is to mercy of luck and kesepuhan.

There are also other gems are called Puser Bumi. Physics like stone dark brown-black, slightly flattened round shape. Usually the size of a marble. In the relatively flat there was a line drawing into a circular. Content is mostly invisible jinn white group.

In physics, the quality of the stone navel of the earth is a good physics dominant dark-colored or black. Usually such people exist unseen male shirtless burly and bald, rampart and are more likely to be saving immunity.

The four types of gems, which Mustika Keong Buntet, Buntet Kul, and barnacle Puser Bumi, usually hidden away in the power of ruby ​​gems, can be tens of time, but the potential to save a tank is determined by the character khodamnya violence, especially the character khodamnya hard similar to the character of Iron Yellow khodam gems.

Mustika-gems that could khodam original type of khodam gems, can also be kind of genie. The figure exists khodamnya also vary, not all the same, there is nothing like fathers robed, nothing like mothers bred wearing a tank top, there is also a human male and burly shirtless.

Most khodamnya out there who accompany their owners to provide human care and the Occult / luck, usually is the man he is robed fathers or mothers like Java. Some of us were kept quiet in the stone, which is usually the human figure as a man and a burly shirtless.

Inherent khodamnya human male muscular shirtless khodamnya violent character more than any other, his work as a power-saving fight (and hold at), while others khodamnya character very hard and very assertive power and strength, potentially saving his immunity. Should lead the way and storage / consolidated pocketed do, do not close to other objects such as a berkhodam agate berkhodam or save another.

Violence character khodamnya be the determining factor will be whether the object could potentially be saving tank. Thus, even if there are objects that are similar in shape and color, but khodam therein are not necessarily the same violence of his character, so even if the object is similar and identical, not all of them could be saving tank.

For example, there are some gems snail buntet black. Not all snails discard it could save a tank, because the hardness of character khodamnya each are not all the same. In this case the process is required to further increase the hardness of character khodamnya and to make energy more compact, for example recital practice dedicated to saving immunity (processed by spiritualists who used to make charms tanks), so it will be completely invulnerable save. But because of the nature of immunity was not the original, then Katrina was to be done on a regular basis, 3 months or 6 months, in order to maintain the stability of the Rapture talisman. 

Mustika Keong Buntet Kul Buntet, barnacle and Earth nature Puser character khodam supernatural kind, namely hard and competent, and good luck / function type. If you have not considered the same as other objects invisible only to provide a specific function, such as a special grace to please. Objects that are multi-functional, tuahnya will follow the suggestion of the owner.  But that has to be immune (and can be tested for immunity) should do it is suggested to provide good luck / other functions, so luck was not immune to change / fade, quite taken / bagged it and believed that it was a powerful lucky.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Bunga Serai/Lemon Grass Flower

For the unfamiliar, this is the interest and usefulness of lemongrass can be made lot of mystical power.Ii will gracious, towing prosperity, firewall and withdrawal evil spirit.There's ways and rituals.
For more information contact us.

Akar Mimang

Akar mimang yang asli didapati daripada gunung-gunung dan perlukan cara yang betul untuk mendapatkannya.Ianya barangan langka dan banyak kegunaannya.Untuk seorang hanya perlukan satu sahaja kegunaannya yang multi fungsi.Ini adalah amatlah langka dan bukan semua orang bisa memperolehinya.
Berminat hubungi kami.


  1. Mustika Merah Delima.

Umumnya batu mustika merah delima akan memancarkan hawa dingin seperti wap ais ketika digenggam atau disimpan, terutama saat pertamanya di dunia manusia. Hawa dingin batu itu ada yang bertahan dalam jangka panjang, ada juga yang kemudian memudar (tidak dingin lagi) karena penyesuaiannya dengan lingkungan.

Secara umum sebuah batu Mustika Merah Delima mempunyai kekuatan 9 kali lipat kekuatan Ghaib Mustika Wesi Kuning.

Kekuatan Ghaib Mustika Merah Delima terbagi dalam 3 kelas :
Kualitas kelas 1 (terbaik) adalah yang batunya berwarna merah (seperti merah fanta).
Kualitas kelas 2 adalah yang berwarna merah keunguan, kekuatan Ghaibnya 90% yang merah fanta.
Kualitas kelas 3 adalah yang berwarna merah jambu atau merah jambu keunguan, kekuatan Ghaibnya 75% dari yang merah fanta.

Pembedaan tingkatan / kualitas kekuatan Ghaib mustika merah delima lebih banyak ditunjukkan dari warna batunya seperti yang sudah disebutkan di atas. Tetapi banyak orang yang mengukur kekuatan Ghaib mustika merah delima dari banyaknya jumlah gelas berisi air yang berubah warna menjadi merah ketika gelas-gelas itu disusun sejajar segaris dengan gelas yang berisi batu mustika merah delima di dalamnya, ada yang memerahkan 7 gelas, ada yang 15 gelas, 20 gelas, dsb.

Menurut hemat Penulis pandangan di atas tidaklah tepat. Banyaknya jumlah air di gelas yang ikut berubah warna tidaklah menjadi ukuran kekuatan Ghaib dari mustika merah delima, karena itu hanyalah merupakan pancaran aura energy dari karakter khodam Ghaibnya yang berwatak keras ataukah berwatak halus (kalem).

Yang khodamnya berwatak keras secara alami getaran / setrumannya akan lebih keras terasa dan pancaran energynya lebih luas dibandingkan yang berwatak halus (yang berwatak keras akan memerahkan gelas air lebih banyak daripada yang berwatak halus). Tetapi baik yang berwatak keras maupun yang berwatak halus secara rata-rata kekuatan Ghaibnya hampir sama.

Untuk tujuan memperbandingkan batas kekuatan Ghaib masing-masing batu mustika merah delima, kita harus membuatnya "bekerja". Misalnya, bila setelah mengsejajarkan gelas-gelas berisi air, sebuah batu mustika merah delima hanya memerahkan 7 gelas, tetapi bila kemudian batu itu kita berikan sugesti / perintah : "merahkan semua air di gelas-gelas itu ! ", maka semua air di gelas-gelas itu akan menjadi merah semua, bisa 10, bisa 20, bisa 50 gelas, bisa juga 100 gelas.

Begitu juga bila batu merah delima itu kita celupkan ke dalam air danau, air danau yang berubah menjadi merah hanya dalam radius 5 - 15 meter. Tetapi bila kita berikan sugesti / perintah : "merahkan semua air di danau ini ! ", maka semua air di danau yang luas itu akan menjadi merah.

Jadi, untuk mengukur kekuatan Ghaib sebuah batu mustika merah delima haruslah dengan membuatnya "bekerja" seperti contoh di atas. Setelah "bekerja" seperti itu barulah kita tahu batas kemampuan Ghaib masing-masing batu merah delima untuk tujuan diperbandingkan.

Ada mustika lain yang keGhaibannya mirip dengan batu mustika merah delima, yaitu yang sering disebut orang Batu Rubah. Batu Rubah mempunyai keGhaiban yang sama dengan mustika merah delima. Perbedaannya adalah bila batunya dicelupkan ke dalam air bening, maka airnya akan berubah warna menjadi merah, tetapi airnya akan segera kembali menjadi bening lagi setelah batu itu dikeluarkan dari airnya. Jadi airnya akan berubah warna hanya ketika batu itu dicelupkan ke dalamnya. Sedangkan mustika merah delima, airnya akan tetap berwarna merah walaupun batunya sudah dikeluarkan dari airnya (atau airnya menjadi bening kembali, tetapi perlahan-lahan, tidak seketika). Fungsi Batu Rubah sama dengan mustika merah delima.

Ada juga mustika lain, yaitu batu mustika delima, yang didapatkan orang dari dalam buah delima. Fiziknya menyerupai bentuk dan warna biji buah delimanya (berwarna putih atau merah jambu). Bila dicelupkan ke dalam air, airnya juga akan berubah warna. Mustika ini termasuk jenis mustika buah. Berguna untuk pengasihan dan rejeki / dagang.Batu Mustika Merah Delima memiliki banyak kegunaan dan keistimewaan yang menjadikannya mustika yang paling diinginkan orang dan harga maharnya mahal sekali jika tuanpunya mau menjual nya,amatlah bernasib baik.Batu mustika ini berisi jenis ghaib amatlah istimewa iaitu berwatak baik, tidak menuntut sesaji dan juga tidak mau diberi sesaji. Tetapi batu mustika ini juga mempunyai tuntutan, yaitu bersifat pemilih dalam memilih orang pemiliknya, tidak suka di uji-uji dan tidak suka dipamerkan keampuhannya kepada orang lain, dan batunya dapat pergi menghilang atau tawar keghaibannya bila pemiliknya atau ada perbuatan si pemilik yang ia tidak berkenan.

Karena itu si pemilik mustika harus selalu berhati-hati jangan sampai ia melakukan perbuatan yang dapat menyebabkan mustikanya menghilang atau menjadi tidak berfungsi dan jangan terlalu sering mengetes mustikanya itu seolah-olah ia tidak yakin dengan keampuhannya dan jangan mempamerkan atau mempertontonkan keampuhannya.

Keistimewaan yang bisa ditunjukkan oleh mustika merah delima yang sempurna antara lain :
- Bila digenggam, maka orangnya akan kebal senjata tajam, tahan panasnya api dan
  rambutnya pun tidak akan terbakar.
- Bila dicelupkan ke dalam air jernih, maka airnya akan berubah warna menjadi merah (airnya berubah
  warna menjadi merah, bukan batunya yang menyala di dalam air).
- Bila air rendamannya diminum akan menyebabkan orangnya menjadi kebal, tidak mampan di pukul,
  rambutnya tidak mampan dicukur, tetapi biasanya keajaiban tersebut hanya berlaku sampai saat
  orang tersebut buang air kecil. 
- Air rendamannya juga dapat diminum atau dibasuhkan untuk tujuan pengobatan.
Umumnya khodam dari mustika merah delima adalah dari jenis ghaib yang sama, yaitu dari jenis khodam mustika merah delima (bukan bangsa jin), tetapi sosok wujud khodamnya bisa bermacam-macam. Ada yang seperti seorang ksatria muda laki-laki atau perempuan, ada yang seperti ibu-ibu, ada yang seperti kakek-kakek, ada juga yang seperti anak-anak. Walaupun sosok wujudnya berbeda-beda, tetapi mereka dari jenis Ghaib yang sama. Selain itu ada juga sebutir batu mustika merah delima yang isi Ghaibnya sepasang (isi Ghaibnya ada 2, biasanya suami-isteri).
Bentuk batu mustika merah delima ada yang bulat, ada yang bulat lonjong, ada yang setengah bola seperti batu cincin (bagian bawahnya datar), ada juga yang seperti biji jeruk (ada bagian yang meruncing). Kebanyakan bentuknya kecil-kecil, paling besar sebesar biji jeruk atau biji kedelai. Tetapi ada juga, walaupun sedikit sekali jumlahnya, yang bentuknya sebesar kelereng dan sebesar bola pingpong.
Untuk jenis mustika merah delima yang sama, yang bentuknya besar seperti kelereng atau bola pingpong itu kekuatan Ghaibnya bisa 1,5 - 2,5 kalinya yang bentuk fiziknya kecil-kecil.
Batu mustika merah delima yang dari pulau Jawa umumnya seperti batu merah siam, tidak ada ster-nya, tapi yang dari pulau Bali dan Nusa Tenggara banyak yang batunya ada ster-nya (ada sinar garis putih bersilangan bila terkena cahaya seperti batu american star).
Umumnya batu mustika merah delima batunya keras menyerupai batu cincin pada umumnya. Namun ada juga, walaupun jumlahnya tidak banyak, yang batunya lembek seperti karet, tetapi bila dijatuhkan di atas kaca atau lantai akan berbunyi "tek" seperti batu keras. Kekuatan keGhaibannya sedikit di bawah mustika merah delima yang batunya keras.

Dalam keadaan aslinya di alam ghaib mustika merah delima ada yang batunya hanya satu ada yang sepasang. Bila aslinya sepasang, sebaiknya jangan batunya dipisahkan, jangan dibagi menjadi 2.
Untuk jenis mustika merah delima yang sama, yang batunya sepasang kekuatannya bisa 110% - 125% dari kekuatan mustika merah delima yang sendiri, tetapi jika yang sepasang itu dipisah, maka masing-masing batunya kekuatannya hanya 75% dari mustika merah delima yang sendiri.

Ada juga mustika merah delima yang keadaan aslinya memiliki rumahnya, berbentuk batu atau kepompong. Sebaiknya rumahnya itu juga jangan dipisahkan. Dalam keadaan aslinya, tidak semua mustika merah delima memiliki bekas. Sebagian besar tidak berbekas. Mustika merah delima yang sejenis, yang berbekas atau pun yang tidak berbekas, kekuatannya sama.






Untuk keterangan lanjut hubungi kami.

Pernafasan mengaktifkan Cakra

Dalam yoga, pernafasan bulan dinamakan Ida dan pernafasan matahari dinamakan Pinggala. Keseimbangan kedua-dua ini dinamakan Susumna. Tenaga mempunyai dua kutub iaitu positif dan negatif, lelaki dan wanita, matahari dan bulan. Teknik bernafas ini dengan cepat memberi tenaga pada aura dan menseimbangkan kutub badan. Ia juga meningkatkan kemampuan kita untuk mengingat dan mengasimilasikan maklumat. Ia menyeimbangkan hemisfera otak. Ia boleh digunakan sebelum belajar untuk memendekkan masa belajar. Ia juga boleh digunakan untuk membangkitkan kita. Pada dasarnya, teknik ini terbahagi kepada cara pernafasan, bernafas masuk melalui satu lubang dan menghembusnya keluar pada satu lubang hidung yang lain. Tumpukan pada hujung hidung. Caranya dengan memegang hidung dengan ibu jari dan jejari.
1. Mulakan dengan ibu jari kanan dan jejari atas hidung dan hembuskan nafas. Tempatkan lidah anda pada lelangit pada belakang gigi hadapan.
2. Gunakan ibu jari dan tutupkan lubang hidung sebelah kanan. Kemudian sedut nafas melalui lubang hidung sebelah kiri dengan mengira satu sampai empat.
3. Dengan menutup lubang hidung sebelah kanan, kepitkan jejari anda pada lubang hidung sebelah kiri. Tahan nafas dan bilang 1 sehingga 16. (Sekiranya anda tidak pernah melakukan mana-mana latihan pernafasan, kiraan 16 adalah terlalu lama buat anda. Dalam kes ini kurangkan kiraan atau pun kira dengan cepat. Dengan latihan yang tekun, anda akan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan untuk menahan nafas dalam jangkamasa yang cukup lama.)
4. Lepaskan ibu jari anda, buka lubang hidung sebelah kanan. Tutup lubang hidung sebelah kiri. Hembuskan nafas perlahan-lahan melalui lubang hidung sebelah kanan dengan kiraan lapan.
5. Lepaskan hidung, naikkan tangan kiri dan dengan ibu jari, tutupkan lubang hidung sebelah kiri. Hirup nafas melalui lubang hidung sebelah kanan dengan kiraan 4 dan kemudian kepitkan jejari anda untuk menutup lubang hidung sebelah kanan. Tahan nafasdengan kiraan 16.
6. Lepaskan ibu jari dan lubang hidung sebelah kiri. Terus kepitkan lubang hidung sebelah kanan. Hembuskan pada kiraan 8 dengan perlahan-lahan melalui lubang hidung sebelah kiri.
7. Ulang dengan 4 atau 5 pernafasan. Bernafas dengan satu lubang hidung, tahan dan hembus keluar pada lubang hidung yang sebelah lagi. Tukar pula pernafasan melalui lubang hidung yang berlainan. Ini dapat melegakan badan kita dan melegakan aura kita dengan mendapat tenaga yang cepat, walau pun ini merupakan pernafasan asas. Kaedah ini juga dapat membangkit aura yang terpendam. Kurang jelas? Hubungi kami.
Latihan ini adalah untuk membersihkan medan aura. Latihan ini sesuai untuk diamalkan pada penghujung hari, terutamanya selepas waktu anda telah menjumpai ramai orang. Ia menolong membersihkan serpihan tenaga, menghalang daripada ia menghasilkan satu ketidakseimbangan. Ia cuma mengambil masa lebih kurang 5 minit untuk menjadi berkesan.
1. Duduk dan amalkan posisi rehat. Jalankan teknik pernafasan. Anda juga boleh gunakan doa atau zikir. Ingatlah bahawa latihan ini adalah sebagai garis panduan dan anda seharusnya boleh mempelajarinya untuk menyesuaikannya dengan tenaga anda.
2. Kira-kira 20 kaki di atas anda, dalam fikiran anda, saksikan satu putaran api putih kristal mula membentuk. Ia kelihatan kecil, jadi bayangkan yang ia membesar untuk memasuki medan aura anda. Hujung api yang runcing itu perlu mampu untuk memasuki mahkota kepala anda dan terus memasuki tengah badan anda (Nadi Tengah).
3. Putaran api rohani ini sepatutnya berputar dan memusing arah jam. Bila putaran api itu menyentuh aura anda, lihatlah bagaimana ia menyedut dan membakar semua tenaga yang tersisa yang kita telah gunakan.
4. Lihat, rasa dan bayangkan putaran api itu masuk ke dalam aura dan badan anda. Anda perlu yakin yang ia menyapu semua medan tenaga anda.

5. Apabila ia bergerak dalam badan anda, benarkan tenaga itu keluar melalui kaki anda dan terus masuk ke dalam bumi.

Belajar mengenai Cakra

Akan diterangkan akan datang..

Sawang Sinawang...

Sawang Sinawang...

●Aku melihat hidup orang lain begitu nikmat, Ternyata ia hanya menutupi kekurangannya tanpa berkeluh kesah..

●Aku melihat hidup teman2ku tak ada duka dan kepedihan, Ternyata ia hanya pandai menutupi dengan mensyukuri..

●Aku melihat hidup saudaraku tenang tanpa ujian, Ternyata ia begitu menikmati badai ujian dlm kehidupannya..

●Aku melihat hidup sahabatku begitu sempurna, Ternyata ia hanya berbahagia "menjadi apa adanya"..

●Aku melihat hidup tetanggaku beruntung, Ternyata ia selalu tunduk pada Allah untuk bergantung..

●Maka aku merasa tidak perlu iri hati dengan rejeki orang lain..
Mungkin aku tak tahu dimana rejekiku.. Tapi rejekiku tahu dimana diriku..

●Dari lautan biru, bumi dan gunung, Tuhan telah memerintahkannya menuju kepadaku...

●Tuhan yang Maha pengasih menjamin rejekiku, sejak 9 bulan 10 hari aku dalam kandungan ibuku..

●Amatlah keliru bila berkeyakinan rejeki dimaknai dari hasil bekerja.. Karena bekerja adalah ibadah, sedang rejeki itu urusan-Nya..

●Melalaikan kebenaran demi menghawatirkan apa yang dijamin-Nya, adalah kekeliruan berganda..

●Manusia membanting tulang, demi angka simpanan gaji, yang mungkin esok akan ditinggal mati..

●Mereka lupa bahwa hakekat rejeki bukan apa yang tertulis dalam angka, tapi apa yang telah dinikmatinya..

●Rejeki tak selalu terletak pada pekerjaan kita, sang Pencipta menaruh berkat sekehendak-Nya..
Ikhtiar itu perbuatan..
Rejeki itu kejutan..

●Dan yang tidak boleh dilupakan, tiap hakekat rejeki akan ditanya kelak..
"Darimana dan digunakan untuk apa" Karena rejeki hanyalah "Hak Pakai", bukan "Hak Milik"...

Semoga bermanfaaat ..